Call Me, Maybe

We live in a world where the ads targeting us on social media know more about us than we know about ourselves. They are speaking to us as individuals and specific to our interests.

Meanwhile, in the B2B world, outbound sales can feel like it’s 3 decades behind. Prospects will often receive cold outreach that isn’t relevant to them at all that arrives at the worst possible times.

Which sucks for both buyers and sellers.

But it’s time to fix this. After all, #WeAreProspects too and know how frustrating bad outreach can be.

Watch the webinar now

Webinar details

In this roundtable, we’re going to talk about how to optimize your outreach strategy to create better relationships—faster.

From research tips to crafting the perfect cold email opener, you’ll hear from experts in the field about:


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How to scale your team’s
prospecting efforts

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What differentiates good outreach
from bad

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How to avoid the worst outreach


Meet our speakers

Join us as Walnut’s Adir Ben Yehuda chats with Will Allred from Lavender, Praveen Sherman from Outplay, and Ernest Owusu from 6sense about how we can create outbound sales that prospects actually want.

Group 7371

Adir Ben Yehuda

VP of Sales

Group 7372

Ernest Owusu

Sales Development Leader

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Group 7374

Praveen Sherman

Founder's Office

Group 7373

Will Allred


Group 4669-1